Some things about my game and random goals:
- I'm trying to take breeding and blupping more seriously. I'm learning how it works as I'm doing it lol! I'm have my lusitanos, selles, and some selle lusitano crosses. Currently, learning how to skill some high ibs selles and starting a new purebred selle group.
- vaguely working on purebred spanish horse unicorn breeding and shire breeding
- I'm not looking to make my EC into the best ever, more for farming/workshops and a little bit of competitions. I always appreciate tips on how to improve my comps! Trying to make at least one of my comps into an active rosette comp
- I try to learn a lot about early Howrse, especially about Diamond Apples, Shutterfly, and things
- one of my biggest goals is to own a divine because I never had one in my old game GOT MY FIRST DIVINE! 8/2/20 a falabella from the piñatas event!!
- random goal: I really like the mouse gray coats and I decided that I'm going to start collecting all the mouse gray coats for the breeds lol (if you have any unwanted mouse gray coat foals I'll happily take them off your hands

Thanks for checking out my page!!