Hi my name is Shay and I’m a chaotic bi. I haven’t been on Howrse since middle school (I am 23 now) but anyway. I used to play as MockingjayRue, if you knew me then reach out!! I also accept random friend requests and would love to chat. I try to congratulate everyone back as long as I see it in time.
I don’t actually know much about horses in real life lol. I am an apprentice to be a tattoo artist so I love to draw. In theory I love to read but my attention span is horrible these days.
Things I’m obsessed with:
- Good Omens
- JRR Tolkien
- My Chemical Romance
- Taylor Swift
- The Witcher
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Halsey
- American Gods
- Once Upon A Time
- Twilight
- Vampire Diaries (and the spinoffs)
Any pronoun goes, I’m hella genderfluid. My username is a reference to Donnie Darko because I’m edgy sorry.