Clearing out and organizing my horses, there will be tons popping up in the sales over the next few days! <3
Hello, my name's Kris and I've been playing Howrse for many years. This is my third account. I have no horses in real life but I do also play Star Stable Online, feel free to message me and I can add you there. I have 2 rabbits and a cat that I share with my soon to be husband :) If you ever need to talk, help or just want a friend, feel free to add or message me! I don't bite.xoxo.
I breed abit of everything. Unicorns, KWPNs, Quarter Horses, Icelandic Horses, Arabians and Fjords are my primary focus but I do breed other horses, I always have something for sale for 3000-3500 equus unless it's a unicorn then I usually do abit below market price. I'm very negotiable HOWEVER I will not go below 5% of market price on my unicorns.
My EC is private and strictly for my use.
I know the pandemic hasn't been easy on everyone, but soon enough things are going to get better! Be Safe and Happy All!