"a soul who walks in the dark to bring others light."
cancer    |    scorpio    |    libra
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welcome to my page! i accept all friend requests, and try to congratulate back as much as i can. i used to play when i was younger, but during quarantine i started playing again (and of course got addicted). i try to stay active, but recently i've been working quite a bit and studying at university so i can't be on constantly. the main breed of horse i focus on are selle français, so be sure to check out my marketplace if you're interested. if you couldn't tell, i try to base all names on greek mythology. i'm a bit of a nerd (lol).
a little bit about me is that i'm in college, majoring in engineering. while math and physics are my main skills, i have many interests and passions. i love animals and was very close to majoring in veterinary sciences, but biology was not my strongest suit. i also love to dive into mythology, astrology, and all things spiritual. 

if you ever just want to chat, whether it's about howrse or someones natal zodiac chart (highly recommend co-star if you're interested), please don't hesitate! like i said above, i've been quite busy recently, so i might take a bit to respond. thanks for stopping by!
premade layout: lazarus