Welcome to my page!
I am a returning player- I loved Howrse when I was young, and I'm excited to be back. I am an adult player, and I work full time, so I am pretty busy, but I am totally open to friend requests or pm's.

I'm not very social on here, but I will accept any friend request. I try to return congratulations, but I often don't get much time to be online, and truthfully it often falls through the cracks. 
I'm mainly trying to collect coats and breed decent horses, but I am mostly a casual player, so I often am not online for a day or two. I always come back, though! If I don't accept your friend request or answer your PM for a while, no worries! I will get back to it eventually. I promise I'm not trying to ignore you!

All of the horses in the "for sale" tab are for sale, whether they are actually posted in sales or not. I base my prices on what similar horses are going for in sales, but all are negotiable. I'm always happy to help new players out, so please feel free to pm me about any horse you're interested in. We'll try to work out a deal that works for both of us. Feel free to make an offer on any horse in the "for sale" tab whether it's in the sales or not. I only go through once a month or so to post the horses in sale or adjust prices, so seriously, take a peek and see if you're interested in any of the horses!
None of the horses in any of the other tabs are for sale, but from time to time, I do move horses into the for sale tab, so make sure to check back in every once in a while. 

I used to have a bunch of memes and silly gifs in my presentation back when I played like a decade ago, and I'm hoping to start putting some in here soon. Thank you for reading!