About Me

Hello~ I am a returning player from the USA 
and used to play under the user-name Na'vi. 
I am a college sophomore studying Management, Marketing, and Psychology. I  love horses, 
people, music, and PC games. I visit South 
Korea frequently (I try once a year) and love 
to listen to Kpop. I do accept random 
friend requests so feel free to send one :).
 My horses with affixes given by me are NOT
 for sale unless I put them in the sales myself.
 I play this game for fun and as a business 
student that means that I love trying to 
breed skillers for the grand prix and to sell 
or breed for profit. 

My Breeding

I am currently working on several breeds - most 
of them cross-breeds. Under the ๓๏๏ภฬคlкєгร farm are my line of purebred Tennessee 
Walkers. My most successful cross breed horses are my Lusitano & Tennessee Walker mixes which are under the affix ɛ۷ąŋɛʂƈɛŋɬ ɱơơŋɠƖąɖɛʂ. I am also breeding Friesian & Tennessee Walker crosses under the affix FoɾᥱᏉᥱɾ Aᑯຕɩɾᥱᑯ. I am 
also breeding Knabstrupper and Shire unicorns . For pony I am starting with Highland Ponies.  

Current Goals

1. Breed a horse with over 19k skills 
    - goal reached 02/15/20 with Kar hil Xarmn
2. Breed a horse with over 15k GP
    - goal reached 02/23/20 with Sb Sxn Luk Laxn
3. Have a highly successful cross-breed.
4. Breed a horse with over 20k skills
    - goal reached  03/20/20 with We Are Eternal
5. Breed a horse with over 16k GP
6. Breed a horse with over 21k skills

~To Be Continued~

Current highest skills: 
๓๏๏ภฬคlкєгร: 20099.42
FoɾᥱᏉᥱɾ Aᑯຕɩɾᥱᑯ: 18920.80
ɛ۷ąŋɛʂƈɛŋɬ ɱơơŋɠƖąɖɛʂ: 20256.96

Current highest GP:
๓๏๏ภฬคlкєгร: 15415.50
FoɾᥱᏉᥱɾ Aᑯຕɩɾᥱᑯ: 14434.81
ɛ۷ąŋɛʂƈɛŋɬ ɱơơŋɠƖąɖɛʂ: 15589.85