Hi there and thank you for coming here
There is not much to read here, but I thought a small introduction would be nice.
I used to play (the german version of) howrse for quite a few years (I think like 8 or so? ). When I was travelling for a few month my account was deleted
, so I stopped playing for quite a while. But since I am borred sometimes during office hours, I got the big urge to start again
In reallife I work parttime in IT (the borring office wicht brought me back here
) and I am parttime selfemployed as a physiotherapist for horses and dogs (it never gets borring there
). I share my life with quite some pets. I wont list them all, but the two biggest ones are my beloved dog and horse <3.
If you have further questions, don't hesitate to ask
! Have a nice day =)
PS: here are some devine clicks for you: