I'm looking to get a lot of horses so if you dont want a horse you can sell it to me for under 4000 Equus! (Just put them as reserved sales for me and i will buy them when i can)

 I ACCEPT ALL FRIENDS REQUESTS    Please send me one if you like!

So come on and come along and lets have fun playing together!a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336.png

Make a quiz to let your little horsies age at: Archimedes

You can get a Boring Old Blanket from a Neat horse from:  Frost

Get some Equus from cool Gemhorses: Topaz-1, Topaz-2, Topaz-3, Topaz-4, Topaz-5

Energize your youngest foal with this standing horse:  Xanthos

I love playing  this game!

With sweet love 0cfd9b59cee3dd3829bd8aa1641a7e28.png


