Nov. 4th 2019: I'm going to be quitting another sim I've played for 12 years and I need something to fill my time, so hopefully Howrse is it. Just put up this fancy layout. C: | Write about your horses here! Horses horses horses horses horses!!! | |||
Hi there! I'm Void, or you can call me V or Oli. I'm a 31 year old female. I live with my divorced parents, unfortunately we all live in the same house -.-, as well as my older brother. I live in Western Kentucky with three pets. Sheila is an 11 year old Australian Cattle Dog. She's blue c: Sukki (pronounced Sue-key) is a 12 year old Thai cat. He's seal point colored, if you wanna look that up lol. Nova is a 12 year old domestic shorthair. She's tortie colored. I like watching youtube and playing video games. I'm really into bullet journaling and journaling. I also play furry-paws, I'm Void #537488 over there. I love animals and the colors blue and orange (any shade of them so far). I'm really bad at these lol. My favorite food is food and yeah :D \o/ Though I can be pretty negative at times (I'm working on it D;), I'm really kind and love helping people. | Write other stuff here! Other other other other other!!! | |||
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