
Please call me Tang or King, I used to play howrse back in 2014 under the username TheHorse22. 

I don't currently have a breed focus, I'm revamping as of early 2025. So hopefully I will find my new-found place in this game soon.

I'm currently working with my stallions mostly, and working on my GA collection.

I will reserve coverings if you are interested! You can find all of my studs, their skills, price, GP, and coat colors in the breeding farm labeled 'Studs'. Most are $500 per cover. I offer public coverings along with private. I also offer uni studs, iris studs and will soon (hopefully) have pony studs available.
Please keep in mind I will not reserve a covering with any horse who's BLUP is under 100.

I have some black market items available as well, feel free to message and let me know what you need! I tend to stock up during events and never use them. 

Happy playing!