Head on over to my EC if you like, check out the forum, leave a message, start a thread, have some fun
If you're wondering about the name of my centre, it's the name of my second ever howrse on the game.
Check out the forum of my EC to see what's popping! (I feel like an out of touch with the youth dad when I say that) I reached 147th in popularity on May 29th! Thank you to everyone who visited and sent a congratulations my way. I try to return any congratulations that I see
Unicorn Breeding update: I am two for two on Kerry Bog unis! Both of my girls had uni babies! A nice breeding pair that I plan to keep around for a while. The colt will eventually stand at stud, so keep an eye out for him, and don't be shy to ask for coverings
This time around in the game, I will not be focusing on Marwaris or Friesians, but rather on Kerry Bog ponies! They have absolutely caught my eye and imagination, and I'm already in waaaaay too deep lol If you would like a covering from any one of my howrses, shoot me a PM and we can work something out (even if it's my highest GP... don't be shy to ask!). I will also eventually be starting to breed my two Kerry Bog uni girls, and, fingers crossed, hopefully will have a good run at those for a while. Oh! I'll also have some thoroughbreds and haflingers on the side, and breed some fjords to get the coat trophy for them. I'm currently looking to complete the Kerry Bog coat trophy and I am only missing three! If you are selling a Bay Tobiano, Palomino Tobiano, or Dapple Grey Tobiano, shoot me a PM and we can work out a price :)
Hello all! Welcome to my page! Don't let my seniority and such fool you, I've been playing since about 2012, I just had to take a break when life got hectic. My PitaPata ticker will tell you when I actually first started playing. You may (or may not) have known me under FresienFan, and if so, hello! I'm back! I am an adult player, and outside of howrse, I work as a sound technician and a summer camp counsellor. That's all for now folks, and happy howrsing! - Fray
How about I make this section about sales? Yeah, that sounds good! Well, it looks like I'm getting to the point where I'm offering some nice quality Kerry Bogs in the sales! I usually price my howrses competitively depending on the market. I verify age, GP, and gender within the sales for the breed I'm selling, as well as whether they are purebred or crossbred. They will be placed in direct sales at a fair price for five days, and if they don't sell, I move them to the auctions at about half the price. I will not be accepting offers on howrses not currently for sale at this time, however all howrses in the direct sales will be negotiable in price!