Until I have the time to devote to this game again, I will be on sporadically. I will answer PMs as they come and my EC is running well (up to 3 rosette comps yay!) If interested in a box for any time with a skiller, a shiny old skiller who can still boost my lessons, or a divine, just PM and I will get to you
Selling most of my coat collection (Not the Marwari and nothing in the "Keeping" tab) Send offers for one or all, will sell in bulk, some are complete collections for the breeds! Some VERY rare coats!
Looking for Wanderers I do not have and *matching* VAs I don't have (I DO NOT WANT THEM IF THEY DO NOT MATCH, please stop asking)
Hello! I am an adult player who used to play on here *years* ago as a kid (Duskbeats). Back again to play around a little for some fun. I am in the US central time zone (Always will be a Wisconsin girl) I train and show dogs in conformation, rally, obedience, agility (my real passion) and am starting my puppy with some work towards dock diving. The photos on here are my dogs so please do not use them unless you ask. The Springer (liver & white) is Murphy, I got that dude when I was 13 and he has been my buddy ever since. He is now 8 and not slowing down one bit. The Field Spaniel (solid liver) is Ducky. He is 2 years old and he is too smart for his own good. He is going to be a blast in the future, right now the goal is to have a pair of socks last longer than 2 weeks in the same house as him. When not showing dogs I play piano, violin, and anything else I can find. I also work, a lot, so if I'm not responding I'm probably working. I do dabble and make layouts from time to time. There are a few free ones in my forum or I can do a custom one for free too! Just PM me. They aren't fancy but they keep me entertained and they work well enough. If you ever need help or anything at all just PM me and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
Right now the EC is semi-private. Boxes available for divines and such only. Working on running comps more so if you have anything that can enter my comps or may help please PM me. It's keeping my bonus down and I'm working to raise it. I do offer 60e lessons and all perks for 20e a night.
Kinda just keeping my EC alive and lurking right now so not much breeding or collecting going on right now
All my sales are listed on a widget up above, otherwise if I own it, its for sale. Everything has a price, just feel free to shoot me a message with your offer and hopefully we can work something out. I trade BMs, I am always looking for breeding items, skilling items, and A. Heels. If you have some let me know and we may be able to work out a fair trade.
I will buy any matching VA (type and coat) that I do not have yet for 34 passes.
My only real pet peeve is lowball offers so please, make reasonable offers on things. Anything outrageous will be ignored.
Pretty proud of this from 4-2-19