Hello, Everyone,
- I'm Emma. I used to play the older version of Howrse, but got out of the loop of being on it. I'm an adult player. I graduated college with a Bachelor of Science with the major of Equine Science and minor in Entrepreneurship. I work at a school.
- I will accept any friend request. I love making new friends.
- I'm on two teams, ~Lovely Quarters~ and {Running Free}.
- One is Quarter Horses. The other one is Thoroughbreds.
- If you would like to join, let me know.
Breeding to my horses:
- If you want to breed with any of the males, stud fee is 500 equus. Just message me which male you would like.
- If you would like a baby from a certain mare and stud of mine, message me the mare's name and stud's name. The price of the baby will be the vet bill I get for it.
Horses For Sale:
- Horses will be sold in Auction.
- Majority of the horses that are for sale are the breeds I am finished with getting the coats and the horses are purebred.
- If you want one of the horses that are for sale, message me and I'll reserved it for you unless someone already bid on that horse already, I won't be able to reserved the horse for you.