Hello! I'm elskenmin but you can call me basically any version of that you like!
I'm a returning "old" player who wasn't super good at the game back then either hahaha. I joined originally back during the OG graphics days, when the most divine it got was Xanthos and Archimedes as far as I remember. I was mainly active in the EC forums for several years until my old account was deactivated due to inactivity when I got into a rough time in life in high school. Now that I'm an adult I decided to come back, and am enjoying the game with somewhat fresh eyes hahaha.
I would say I'm a somewhat casual, somewhat competitive player? I'm mostly here to have fun.
I'm also super friendly and love to chat, so feel free to send me a PM! I am an adult though, so keep that in mind.
Right now my main focus is Marwaris. I'm dabbling in a few other breeds, but I'm mainly going off of ~vibes~ haha
So my little side projects are Arabians, Fjords, and Curlies, but I've definitely gotten interested in the Poitou donkeys now that they've been released.
I'm currently not in any teams, but I wouldn't say I'm opposed? Like I said earlier, I'm a somewhat casual, somewhat competitive player - I want to keep this fun and not have it turn into a second job haha! If you have any other inquiries, please shoot me a PM!
I do kind of semi collect GAs and Retired GAs, and I do keep an eye out for any in the sales that are in my favorites. But I'm not trying to grab 'em all or anything. Just the ones I like :)