Hello there!
Thankyou for taking the time to scroll into my page! 
I gladly will tell you something about myself.
I'm 19 years old girl who in real life;
- Loves to ride horses
- is netflix addicted
- And is living in the greatest studentcity in the Netherlands --> Groningen! 
This is the second account that I've ever had on Howrse. I've played many years ago, because of being inactived unfortunately that account is deleted.
So I decided to start a new one! And I'm hoping to make it a success!
I really like to chat and make new friends, so friendshiprequests are always welcome likewise dropping a message in my mailbox. Congratulations I'm always trying to return.
At this moment together with adminstrator Mousy17, are we trying to build an new team for lusitano's. So if you would like to be in a team, are willing to put some effort in it, applying is always a good idea! The applications can be send to me! 
Lots of Love,
Enfant de Normandie