

Hi there!

My name is Toxicbunny. You can call me Bunny if you want (obviously not my real name lol).

I'm an ADULT player, for all you youngsters out there :)

I live in the western United States, and I have 3 horses, 2 donkeys, and 2 dogs.

My favorite horse breeds are Mustangs (that's all I own), Quarter Horses, Paints, Appaloosas, and Gypsy Vanners.

I've been riding for 23 years, and I've been showing for 19 of those years. My riding background is Western and English All Around and Pleasure. I've decided to focus more on Western Performance events like Reining, Working Cow Horse, Cutting, etc.

I've been training horses since I was 13 years old. I've done pretty much everything from starting colts to refining show horses to rehabilitating trouble horses.

I have a passion of working with Mules and Donkeys as well. I am in the process of starting to raise my own Mules!

Other fun facts?

I love music! My favorite artists consist of Imagine Dragons, Fallout Boy, Panic! At The Disco, Maroon 5, Faun, Wardruna, Skrillex, Of Monsters and Men, Lorde, TheFatRat, and so many more I can't even begin to list! I also listen to Classic Country, 80s Rock/Metal, other Pop and Alt Rock artists, other Dubstep and Techno artists, and really the list is endless...

I don't watch much TV, but I do love certain shows like NCIS, Star Trek, Star Wars, The Walking Dead, Ghost Adventures, and a few others. Honestly most of my entertainment comes from YouTube.

I am a meme lord...you have been warned.

I am a HUGE PC gamer, and I play a few multiplayer games, like Minecraft, Overwatch, Destiny 2, and Garry's Mod to name a few. HUGE FAN and theorist of Five Nights at Freddy's!!
If any of you play Overwatch, Minecraft, or Garry's Mod, hit me up!!
I'm working on putting together a Minecraft server that is entirely horse based and I'm looking for players!! Details of its progress will be listed somewhere below.

I accept ALL friend requests so add me!!! I'm also up for a good chat too so feel free to PM me!



I'm not a new player on Howrse. I first started playing on here a LONG time ago. I was in middle school at the time. I don't remember why I quit playing, but it was between getting super busy and losing interest in the game. Tried to satrt up another account a few years later, and that fell through. So, I'm on here now, I'm liking what I'm seeing, so I think I might stay for a while!

My ultimate goal on here is to raise the BEST stock horses on the game. I'm raising Gypsy Vanners for fun, and I'm raising Donkeys so I can be prepared for when they add Mules to the game. Life wouldn't be any fun without Mules! Right?

I'm planning on doing some crossbreeding projects for GP reasons. My crossbred horses will NOT be available for coverings or direct sales. They will be auction horses only, with the sole intention of improving GP on certain breeds. Although, if you want a foal out of a certain crossbred stallion or mare, I can sell you their foal.

My stallions that are standing at stud will be listed below here, and above the storm of GIFS and memes I plan on posting.

Once I have horses available for selling, I will create sale barns under those particular breeds.

Lastly, feel free to message me about my stock!! I don't bite!!
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