Hello! Im shesbackinblack. I played this game long ago under the user lovebandit. Im very new to all of the changes, so random friend requests will be accepted, as i love tips and tricks to the improved Howrse game! Thanks and much love

I live in the great states. Central USA!
Im currently and always looking for Hera Packs! Pm me with your price & i would be willing to trade horses for items as well.
Im also currently & always looking for high GP Akhal-Tekes!
All of the horses i breed are in the process of getting bolded & BLUPed.
Any of my males will always be available for coverings, just shoot me a PM & I will nnegotiate.
Thanks for visiting! Happy Howrsing

I have acquired another Vintage Apple i have no interest in :) pm me with offers!