ced83a1ec20d9f7b45a8c537f1ccdf3c.png Greeting ced83a1ec20d9f7b45a8c537f1ccdf3c.png

Hello! a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336.png

       I am a female adult player from the southern United States. I am a teacher and have always have a love for horses. As you can probably tell by my name that I am also a music lover.

     Some of my favorite composers and artists are Evanescence, Beethoven, TheFatRat, Mozart, Avenged Sevenfold, Nigel Stanford, Linkin Park, Fort Minor, Halestorm, Lacuna Coil, Lauren Diagle, Home Free, Mumford and Sons, Two Steps From Hell, and Walk Off the Earth.

       My favorite horse breed is the Friesian; they are simplistic in the fact that they only have one coat color among the breed and their mane and tail are super long and wavy. I also love the Gypsy Vanner horses and Mustangs. Please feel free to visit any of my horses below and give them an apple.

       I will always accept any friend request and I am open to any partnerships. Please feel free to send me a request! I usually respond in a couple of days. I will also return every congratulations that I see.

       My current goal on Howrse is to continue to build the collection I have with Winged Unicorns and horse coats.

       I am ALWAYS in need of each of the "Luck" items from the Black Market. If you have any item you are looking for, just send me a private message and I will respond accordingly.

       When my horses are cared for, I keep all of my mares bred and in foal at the same time so that they all foal at the same time. This means that when they foal, I have SEVERAL foals that I will be selling. Check periodically for those sales, and if there is a specific coat or breed you are needing, send a private message and I will sell the foal you desire directly to you!

d8183e948e6d05a3b3fc6e36a4b97d1a.png Shoutouts d8183e948e6d05a3b3fc6e36a4b97d1a.png

New foals coming soon! When my horses are cared for, I keep all of my mares in line to be in foal at the same time so when they do, I have a slew of foals to offer for sale. Please let me know if you are looking for a particular breed or coat. I will have several different breeds and coats to choose from.

Dr. Zig was my very first friend here on Howrse when I joined in August of 2018! 59f1c863dca1baa69838b4841ccd34b9.png

935cc82ef2748ac36d8c208173df154a.png Things That Could Help You 935cc82ef2748ac36d8c208173df154a.png

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