- Gayle Waters-Waters is absolute She King
- Always show respect and apprectiation whilst consuming grated cheese from the gods
- Lady Gaga, Ke$ha and Britney (#britneyorbust) is the only music permitted
- All who bring little bites through the door, prepare to fight to the death
- If you are Judith, leave!

- Butts only belong on yoga balls
- We never watch any tv show except FRIENDS
- Ramen noodle consumption increases divinity
- If you come with any fast food trash, don’t expect to be let in and know that the police will be on your tail presently
- Respect is directly correlated to how much Hamilton you know
- We all agree that Mamma Mia 2 is better
- Anyone caught eating anything other than little bites, spinach triangles, pasta and açai-blueberry-pomegranate vitamin water zero will be shunned.
- Production of CO2 is prohibited

Swiggity Swooty, yall swiggity swooted
Judith is quaking

If you got them horses lmk

I’ll bring the ramen, you boil the water

R.I.P Jake Jones

“oh hi bruce”

How does the sausage get made!?

A toot with too much wind in its sail

When the base drops and the fritos start flying

I dare you not to squirt cheerios out your nose while you watch this.

You got Pintrest? Looking for memes that’ll give ya chuckles? Blageman, I got you covered

If you want to know the Realest tea,
Scroll to the bottom and look for the thiccest comment
#mandalalover #bopit #pullit #twistit #bopitislife #rollwheelie #gangislife #connectfour #gayle #ronisdead #cryptidwalking #longlivetheking #precalculussquad #bestbops #plaidisstylish #stayinside #staysafe #you’renotallowedtodrown #mrs.paulsson #osmosisisntreal #moistfeet