
About Me

Hey all, you can call me Cat! =w=

I'm a 22 y/o female player from the US, and I'm getting back into the game after quite a long stint away. I'm pretty easy going, so don't hesitate to say hi if you have any questions about my horse sales/coverings or just want to chat! 

Some other random facts about me: 
  1. Cats are life 
  2. Need coffee to function
  3. Nothing like a good RPG!
more or less in that order lol


Midnight Furies

My affix is called Midnight Furies, and it's really what I'm focusing on right now. I breed Marawi's in it when I'm not busy keeping up with school!

Right now I'm just trying to break past 15300 GP (which should be soon, yay!). If you see any of my horses that you'd like to buy or get a covering from, just shoot me a message. Aside from a couple sentimentals and those I'm breeding now, most I'd be willing to take offers on!

I'll update this if anything noteworthy happens, but right now it's just a catch up game and a lot lot lot of clicking T.T

Any questions? Message me! 