My name's TerrierFancy, but you can call me Nat! I'm a returning adult player and am always up for chatting (especially if you wanna talk fandom). I also accept random friend requests, so friend away!
I'm an active RPer in the [Bigtermission] Discord server, where fans of the Homestuck Intermission, as well as Problem Sleuth, can come together to chat and roleplay epic stories taking place in Midnight City. If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, PM me for a server invite!
Favourite colour: Blue
Favourite artist: PZA
Favourite song: Marble Mall With Fern
Favourite book: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Favourite show: Invader Zim
Favourite movie: Casablanca
Hobbies: Not killing my houseplants, writing, RPing, drawing, cosplaying
Current fandoms:
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon