I have returned after playing of and off for the past 8 or so years. I am not into competitive breeding at the moment but I do plan to get into it soon.
I am currently building up a Draft Horse breeding farm. I have not yet decided what I plan to do with my game in the future, at the moment, I still have to figure out how to afford the VIP account with all these changes since I last played.
I am a 20yo girl from Victoria, Australia. I became quite interested in horses around 9/10 years old when we moved to a little acreage in the country. I was never lucky enough to get one or get into riding, but mum and I compromised and I began to collect Schleich and Breyer Model Horses. I no longer collect them but I do still have my collection from my teen years. Being quite an impulse buyer I still buy some occasionally as my love for them never fully left me.
I have quite the love for dogs though, always have! I grew up with many dogs. I currently have a 6yo Jack Russell Terrier I got for my 13th birthday. He lives with my mum still as he is quite the family pet. Much of my day consists of scrolling through Instagram looking at puppies, mainly Samoyeds as I am obsessed and cannot wait until I can finally get my own.
If you have Instagram and wouldn't mind PUPPY SPAM, I'd love someone to connect with and talk to about them.
Tom Hiddleston made my avatar.
My Goals Include:
Purchase and keep a VIP account
Fill AP Farm with 1000 horses.
Upkeep a successful Draft Horse Farm and foal 3 mares a day, constantly
Make a few good friends on here :) Always looking for more, of course!
Upkeep my EC with over 50% prestige
Expand EC to 5000 boxes