
About me

Heyo! Scorra here.
Semi-active on this server, the main I play on is the Hungarian one - that's where I'm from.
I've been on this game for a decade now, though I still don't know what I'm doing lol (that applies to my life in general as well)

Some random facts that may give a brief picture of who I am:
  • Young adult (on paper)
  • Hungarian
  • Multilingual
  • Bookworm
  • Animals > everything else
  • History nerd
  • Aviationgeek
  • Wannabe artist (I draw GA coats on my Hungarian account)
  • Introvert, but loves rambling to friends
  • Also socially awkward aha pain
  • Ex-equestrian
  • Tired and probably dead inside
  • Questionable taste in music
  • Doesn't have a life
  • Currently stuck in genshin hellhole
I accept random friend requests! Also, if for some reason you happen to think we might have common interests, I don't bite! ((I need friends send help))


About my game

<------- As I mentioned over there, I am only periodically active - alas, I don't really have a particular goal, aim, or playing style, I am usually here to get my mind off of things, as well as too keep an eye on how this server is doing.
However sometimes I do in fact try to breed for quality, or grab a few limited GA coats if I feel like it - though generally when I realise I'm poor I just give up:')

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