lies and truths exist in a stare...

i am a returning adult female player. i've played this game since almost the beginning, and am excited to start again on this account.

more about me: aquarius, obsessed with fantasy romance novels, anime, most tv/book/movie series, nerdy stuff, horses, and works in the medical field :))


**leave a congrat, and ill congrat you back!!**
**i always leave my UFOs at 5%... good luck!!**

i am offering covers under my "archival arabians" tab!! please reach out via pm to further discuss pricing options!!

i am always in need of BMIs for BREEDING (i.e. Hera's Pack, Tears, Wands, Zeus Bolts, etc.)!! please pm me privately or browse my current exchanges to see what items i offer!!

any foals under my "archival arabians" tab are available for sale!! 
please pm for reasonable rates/discussion!!

im a novice at layouts and codes...
if you're very familiar with them, please reach out. i would love to learn more :))