Popularity: Rank 35
Equestrian Center Populartity: Rank 16
Western Riding Equestrian Center Populartity: Rank 5
Western Riding Equestrian Center Populartity: Rank 22
Thanks so much to everyone who helped!!!
LOL- I can't seem to get my Ava to appear the right way around

The bunnys name is Nini btw- didn't get her permission to use the foto but I'm sure she won't mind

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind. -Dr. Seuss
I finished all the 100 original objectives - one month before they were removed! Yay me

If you're looking for companions:
Ceinos wrote:
http://www.howrse.com/marche/vente/?compagnon=compagnon-*french companion name*
Below are the companions in English and French:
Bee = abeille
Butterfly = papillon
Camel =chameau
Swallow = hirondelle
Bear = ours
Dog =chien
Frog = grenouille
Ghosts = fantome
Giraffe =girafe
Goat =chevre
Zebra = zebre
Cat = chat
Griffin = griffon
Hen =poule
Turtle = tortue
Kangaroo = kangourou
Ladybird = coccinelle
Owl = hibou
Penguin = pingouin
Monkey =singe
Rabbit = lapin
Sheep = mouton
Phoenix = phenix
Squirrel = ecureuil
Grizzly =grizzly
Llama =lama
Weta =weta