~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ x female x 18-21 x scorpio x vegetarian x I don't ride - never have. I don't believe it's ethical to keep animals in that manner. I used to play when I was a little girl, that's the only reason I play tbh x aspiring vegan & environmental engineer x I hope to have my associates by spring x I have a black cat like the one in the background. Her name is Puma and she's fat and I love her.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > I was on howrse when the chincoteague horses looked like this:
> my old account was deleted due to inactivity but the chincos used to be my favorite. now I found them unappealing... > I am currently focusing on gypsy vanners but also breeding lippizans as well as other horses, ponies, draft horses, and uni's > not a pass player - I'm a college student on a budget! > with breeding, my goals are raising skills and gp through generations (specifically foundation horses but others as well) and collecting coats
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