life is full of mircles that how i see it when i first met a horse at a park i was having a really emotional day and i was watching these people training a horse and i overheard them talking about his background so i got up wiped my eyes from crying and apporach the fence and one guy said to be careful he out of control and i told the guy it was okay i trust the horse i knew when i looked into his eyes he wasn't going to hurt me he was hurting he lost his owner and he missed her so much and i asked the guy he grieving and he misses his owner and i must have resemble his pervious owner because he apporach me and hug me with his head and kept rocking his head up and down on my shoulder so everyday i helped the new owners gain his trust he loved dancing and jumping. i always wanted a horse of my own but i couldn't get one so this game was the closest i can get to having a horseĀ