I am open for sensible offers on my horses which are not currently for sale, so feel free to browse around!
I won't be accepting offers on horses from the Inmensas Ibunt or Unicorns breeding farms - these are not for sale.
If I decide that I accept your offer, I will set up a reserved sale for you!

My black market items, message me offers for trades:
Please note that I will only be accepting sensible trades (i.e. I will not be accepting an Apollo's Lyre for a Nyx Pack etc.)
3x Water of Youth
1x Piece of Cloud
32x Achille's Heel
15x Philotes' Stroke
2x Pandora's Box
6x Hypnos' Blanket
8x Artemis' Arrow
10x Fertility Wand
6x Helios' Ray
4x Medusa's Blood
8x Apollo's Lyre
7x Croesus' Fortune
I am also in possession of a few Black Market items which cannot be sold, but if you make a sensible offer, I can put these on one of my horses, which you can then buy with the horse:
19x Vintage Apple
7x Ow's Helios' Ray
2x Water Element
5x Iris' Coat
1x X-mas Equipment Pack
2x Elves Pack
1x Dragon Samurai Polo Wraps
3x Butterfly
2x Rabbit
2x Puercoespina
2x Frog
1x Giraffe
1x Macaw
1x Mapache
1x Hen
1x Mapacha
1x Goat
1x Squirrel
1x Kangaroo
1x Tsuchinoko
1x Muerciélaga
1x Kaeru
1x Sheep