
Adult.  A couple of accounts over the years. Fun small projects here and there, mostly focused on 『ᴇ ᴘ ɪ ᴘ ʜ ᴀ ɴ ʏ』

Can negotiate the price of a horse a little bit. 
Happy to help in XC filling if needed. Just send me a message, and if I'm on, I'm a quick responder. 
Always looking for Ploutos' Parchments. :)
Also MBloods

Please note: No random friend requests are accepted. Messages welcome:) 

Blup Schedules from Saint

So I’ve turned into a low key collector. . . 

Fav regular golden apple coat wish list / accepting only in certain breeds: Marwari, Mustang, Knab, Arabian, Selle Francis, Fjord, Welsh, Highland, All drafts, donkeys. MUST BE PUREBRED. 

Well done artists0bcb59b20b3d6ca052d914412ddf00ab.png935cc82ef2748ac36d8c208173df154a.png


Retired Coats - willing to pay top dollar equus. Passes for some


1. Finish forest rides.
2. Completely train stamina and gallop.
3. Enter Barrel Racing competitions until you get 20 wins and stop getting skills in stamina, speed, and gallop.
4. Train speed and finish mountain rides.
5. Age to 10 if not completed yet.
