Heya! You can call me Micah. I'm a pretty average university student majoring in Acting for the Stage and Screen. I own five horses in real life, all rescues, and I am highly active in the HARPG community on DeviantArt. I live for acting; I prefer theatre but film acting is pretty fun too. I am way too emotionally invested in Steven Universe, WTNV, and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. My birthday is December 20th, my favourite colour is green, I'm really good at pretending I have my life in order when I really don't, and that's all you need to know about me.

I was on Howrse in the past under the username PonyWolfLove; it appears my account was deleted due to inactivity during my high school years. Now that I'm back on Howrse, I intend to specialize in Thoroughbreds for racing, and then eventually expand into some other breeds -- especially unicorns of all breeds! If a horse of mine is for sale, I'm usually willing to swap it for a different breed of the same species -- unicorn for unicorn, pony for pony, etc. Just message me and we can work something out!
Ultimate goals on Howrse:
-- Obtain a Diamond Apple horse
-- Breed a high-skilled Thoroughbred unicorn
-- Place in the top three in a Grand Prix competition
-- Own at least one horse of each breed
-- Own at least one horse of each coat colour
Coat Progress:
- Akhal-Teke: 0/16
- Appaloosa: 3/17
- Arabian: 0/15
- Argentinian Criollo: 0/21
- Australian Pony: 0/17
- Barb: 0/12
- Brumby: 2/16
- Canadian Horse: 0/7
- Chincoteague Pony: 0/25
- Connemara: 0/17
- Curly: 4/20

Donkey: 3/3
- Drum Horse: 1/7
- Fjord: 0/5
- Friesian: 0/1
- Gypsy Vanner: 14/17
- Hackney: 0/12
- Haflinger: 0/3
- Hanoverian: 6/13
- Highland Pony: 0/10
- Holsteiner: 1/9
- Icelandic Horse: 0/16
- Irish Hunter: 0/17
- KWPN: 1/15
- Kerry Bog Pony: 9/17
- Knabstrupper: 9/20
- Lipizzan: 0/9
- Lusitano: 9/11
- Marwari: 12/25
- Morgan: 0/16
- Mustang: 1/27
- Newfoundland Pony: 0/15
- Nokota: 0/9
- Paint Horse: 0/24
- Percheron: 0/4
- Peruvian Paso: 0/16
- Purebred Spanish Horse: 0/14
- Quarter Horse: 0/16
- Quarter Pony: 0/27
- Russian Don Horse: 0/11
- Selle Français: 0/14
- Shagya Arabian: 2/7
- Shetland: 7/23
- Shire: 1/3
- Standardbred: 0/12
- Tennessee Walker: 0/13
- Thoroughbred: 12/16
- Trakehner: 1/16
- Welsh: 0/15