Welcome to my page! I strive to breed high GP purebred horses suitable for breeding programs and show horses. I currently breed the following-

°Unicorns(Sapphire Unicorns)

° Paints ( \\Paint Me Purdy// )

° Quarter Horses ( Swinging S QH)

° Irish Sports Horses ( || Luck of the Irish||)

°Lusitano ( •°Double Crown Lusitano°•)

-All stallions are available for stud. Personal stallion request range from 500e-2,500e depending on coat and GP

- Selling -
 For sale horses are located in the 'My horses without a breeding Farm' Barn. Many are in auction and if requested can be moved to direct sale. I am open to offers on horses that aren't listed for sale. But don't be mad if I said no. 

I am always looking for rare coats and high GP horses to add to my breeding stock. I am open to Unicorns or any breed, Paints, Quarter horse, Irish Sport horse, Lusitno's, and all covers female donkeys. 
-Always looking to join a team for my breeds. I try to breed high GP with rare coats for almost all of my breeds.

About me-

I am in my 20's and married. English speaking in the US. I have been riding horses for over 10 years and training for the last 4 years. I had the wonderful opportunity of working with the stallions from the movie "Albion, The Enchanted Stallion"  and stallions from the 'World Famous Lipizzaner Stallions'. I have a deep passion for OTTB's and warmbloods.