Hello! Some things about me:
-I'm an adult player (female)
-I will accept friend requests- must have something written in your presentation.
-In real life I have 2 horses and 3 cats, and 2 dogs. My husband and I have been known to foster a cat from time to time.
-I play Howrse for enjoyment not seriousness.
-I play Dungeons and Dragons
-I love to read- fantasy/Sci-Fi being my favorite genre. My favorite series are the Dresden Files, Codex Alera, Harry Potter, Chronicles of narnia, Temeraire, and Game of Thrones. There are others but these are off the top of my head.
-I enjoy watching anime- my favorites at this time are Naruto and Black Clover.
-I have the app Webtoons and am really enjoying The Croaking, Lore Olympus, and Midnight Poppyland
-I love to garden!
My goal is to gain all color trophies. Got a coat? Drop a message!
I periodically update this with random facts and info. Feel free to comment to me about anything you see! God Bless and Happy Gaming!