
I am looking for one pass seed!

I am looking for an Appaloosa male unicorn with good GP!

All prices are negotiable for horses in the sales! They are under the "For Sale" tab. 

I have been riding for a long time, I am a PhD candidate so I do not have a lot of time for this game. I used to have an account back in 2013 but it got deleted, so restarted. 

I am an adult player but I am happy to make some new friends. 

I really and focusing on my Lusitano horse breeding farm. If you have one you are looking to sell, DM me the details and I will take a peek. Additionally, I am focusing on my Drum Horses, I would be happy to buy but they MUST have at least one covering left. 

Collecting different coat colors for all of my breeding farms, DM me if you have one you want to sell. 

Have a fabulous day!! 