Howdy Howdy~!

+ I’m an adult player (she/her, USA) who's been playing off and on for a good decade now. Despite the amount of time I’ve dedicated, a good 70% of that time I was a kid who wasn’t 10000% sure what was happening.

+ This account is finally my success, but I still fall behind quickly due to simply being busy, losing interest, and how greedy this game can be. I’m pretty infamous for taking long hiatus’, so just fair warning there. I'm always open to friend requests and helping out during events!
I also try to return congratulations!

+ I mostly just concentrate on my AP Farm, Unicorns, and my new attempt at rosette show horses. My EC is built up now for my own horses.

+ Sale Tab is for all my sale ponies, all horses outside of that tab are not up for sale nor am I taking offers. (But unless you have something extremely good... I may entertain.)

+.Other than that, I’m no professional. I’m not interested in starting or joining any breeding teams. Nor hiring anyone to help out with my AP farm.