Friends that offer help in the game:
Need quick money, an aging point, or a chance at Hypnos Blankets, diamonds, and Horn of Plenty?
Skoosh - page offers links to Xanthos, Frost, Topaz, and Archimedes.
(guaranteed 250 Equus per day, 10 energy on your newest acquired horse, an aging point, and potentially a HOP, and/or a diamond.)
Need to thin your horses but don't want to send them to the Safe Haven?
MagicWeaver is buying horses currently regardless of quality, breed, gender, or color. She will pay 2x what the Safe Haven will give you, so send her a message.
Kilhullen is buying purebred horses of any quality, breed, gender, or color as well. Send her a message to arrange a price.
I am currently building my APs and so will buy anything you offer for 3k a piece.
I am tired of always having to change my profile.