
Welcome, I'm AQHAchick
                    *taking an extended break* 
 Stopped in on 12/15 to put horses in sales, next time I stop in PM me if you want something reserved for u. 


       <<AQHA>>      (retired)

See horses for sale HERE

ALL horses have/are on track to have 60 foal game skills and all lessons - I don't see the point in hindering a horses potential. 


QH skillers are available. most will have a special coat/bonus so check them out

all GA and RC horses are horses that I chose due to their skill potential. While they are not (normally) fully skilled/BOLDED at the time of sale, they have the potential to be high quality comp horses with time. Because of this they are more than a horse that just had the GA/RC thrown on randomly.


Past/Sold Skillers/Comp horses (thank you for your purchase!) started on 6/16/2020. If you would like your name removed PM me and I will do so. 

Quarter Horse mare GP 14621.93 And est skills 19,037.8+ SOLD (6/16/2020) thank you! Patik07 

Lustiano stallion §Killdeer§ Skills 20916.13 SOLD (6/--/2020) thank you! Lyra Wolfslayer 

Tennessee Walker Stallion Robin 15959.37 GP and 20899.39+ skills SOLD (6/21/2020) Thank you!  Gayle5

Trakehner (Female) GP 13056.6 and over 17,000 skills! (highest for breed in sales! By a LOT) also has a wandering coat! (Sold 7/8/2020) Thank you! Kathihutch  
Marwari (Male) GP 15527.57 and 20,163+ skills (Punk Rock wandering Coat) (sold 7/9/2020) Thank you! Mimonez
Quarter Horse (Female) Hell Fire 19267+ skills and 14638 GP (Bred) @ 100 BULP (Ghost rider BoM) (sold 7/22/2020) Thank you! anelmemi
Quarter Horse 19236+ skills 14595 GP (Blob BoM) (Reining) (7-31-2020) Thank you! andysc95
Arabian *Unicorn* GP 13676.2 and 16311.80 skills Thank you! alj96
Appaloosa 14432.59 GP and 18889.27 skills Sold 8/29/2020 Thank you! Lamagie
stopped keeping track to focus on QH's if I start getting into Comp horses again I'll cont.


Quarter Horse Bulping things...
If your horse's genetics make its best western event *reining* (e.g. quarter horse, marwari, thoroughbred, gypsy vanner, Irish hunter) then try this:
* mountain rides
* forest rides (I wait to do this after 20 wins)
* trail comps *optional
* dressage training
* speed training
* cutting competitions/* reining competitions 
once at 20 wins proceed
* gallop training

Recommended: If your horse's genetics make its best classical event *gallop* (e.g. thoroughbred, quarter horse, paint horse, marwari, appaloosa, purebreed spanish horse) then try this:

* mountain rides
* dressage training
* speed training
* trot comps/* gallop comps/* cross country comps/* showjumping comps 
once at 20 wins proceed
* forest rides
* gallop training

AQHAchick's how to prep a QH skiller (this is for English, can do the reverse and start with english- gallop comps- then go to western @ 5yr old)
(easiest/best with a Ctimer and Aheel) giving Bonuses and getting 60 skills in foal games is important for getting wins as well... 
~Try to select a horse with at least 5200IBS, 5500+ is best~
*mountain rides
*train speed
*train dressage
*select western riding
*until age 5 enter as many comps as possible (make sure to switch to English BEFORE/AT 5 yrs old) goal is to max out speed, dressage,& gallop skill gains from comps. (likely will get stamina also done)
*select English riding
*gallop comps until 20 wins
*Forest rides
*train Gallop
*beach Trot skills to Gallop
*Congrats you have a QH tailored for Gallop comps
*you can train in jumping and enter show jumping comps as well* 
for a western skiller you will likely focus on improving the Stamina as well as Gallop skills for beach rides. make sure you train stamina as well for western events. 

...How to calculate total skill potential...
Foal in born skills (IBS) + Genetic potential (GP) + 60 foal games + EC lessons... this last bit can vary so I normally don't include it...

foal in sales has 3400 skills between 0-6months, and a GP of 16000. 
3400+16000+60= 19460 skills as a BOLDED adult (all rides, training, and comps gains completed.) will be more if you enter lessons/missions at the EC. 

if you don't have a peg. account you can't see the IBS so take that into consideration when buying a future skiller/comp horse that is over 6 months old
if breeding your own skillers make sure...
        Both parents at 100BULP
parents have good GP (depends on breed) 
        Use a Aphrodite's tears. 
Know that the IBS that a foal can have is a range. It won't guarantee a top horse every time.