6/5/24- Currently looking for a helper that can AP FARM at least 2 times a week! Send me a PM!
Hi! Welcome to my page!
Everything you need to know will be down below.
First, I'd like to say that I'm no expert, just a player like the rest of the Howrse community, and I LOVE to help out other fellow players with questions, concerns, anything like that.
Second, if you are interested in buying one of my profit foals, you may request for one of those horses. To me, profit foals are usually Unicorn fails (usually AP farm fillers), foals with a high GP, or foals with a 1% to 7% coat. I do have a sale barn that's open to everyone, so if you're looking to buy a skill foal or profit horse, you can check that out! However, they sell in direct sales rather quickly, so keep an eye out! The March 2024 batch is out now!
Third, I do many trades a week! Just message me if you have an item you're interest in and I'll let you know if I have it!
If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to ask!