Hi I'm tmm00 and I have been playing this game for a few years, but I took long breaks and closed my old accounts when I went on my hiatus of a few years, so I may not have much seniority but I've played a while. My older sister plays too, shes Dixie_Love and shes got some great stuff on her page. My game is mostly focused on unicorns and my equestrian center (pm me if you want a spot). I have a breeding farm for my unicorns that I have bred, and I do not typically sell the females but if you ask and offer something reasonable, I have some I am okay to part with. I don't have many friends, but I will accept all requests-- and I do not mind helping other players just pm me. I don't buy passes.
I have a line for Knabstruppers, but it's not very active. I breed unicorns a lot, and theres no specific breed that I focus on with that. Unicorn Colts I usually sell in direct sales after a few days, but if you talk to me before hand I can send a UniFoal your way!
~`~Leaping Lusitanos and ~`~Fabulous Fresians were both affixes of mine from years ago, Dixie_Love was kind enough to hold on to them until I came back a few years later. So most of my horses are of my own breeding.