About Me:
I use to play this game all the time when I was little (I'm talking back when it was a brand new game  ~2007ish) but I got busy in middle/ high school and played on and off...then apparently I took a little bit too long of a break and my account got deleted ce52790629679d930ca16c39a4f619c3.pngso now, as an adult, I play leisurely. I'm trying to regularly play like I did when I was little, but adulting doesn't really allow for thatce52790629679d930ca16c39a4f619c3.png I'm trying to play enough that my account doesn't get deleted.

I didn't grow up around horses, but I have always loved them and rode whenever I could. Now that I'm an adult with a career, I was finally able to follow my horsey dreams!

I ended up buying an untouched mustang as my first horse and he is the bestest boy ever! He was very easy to train and I was riding him within 3months! Now we go on trail adventures, do liberty and occasionally go to shows.


My horses aren't for sell unless they are already in the for sale tab 

My goals are mostly based in collecting companions and coats right now. I also breed mustangs, appaloosas and paints