Unfortunately this is a new account. I was previously known as charlie29 (named after a pet, I am female). After some real life complications I was unable to log onto that user for an extended period of time and it was deleted. I am very saddened to see it go. I had collected an extensive retired golden apple coat collection and even two divines; Neptune and Onyx. I put a lot of time and effort into the account which makes it hard to start from scratch here, but after my time off I am extremely happy to once again be part of the howrse family!
I am a university student so I am often hanging out on howrse to procrastinate real work. This is a relaxing game for me, I am not here to be uber competitive.
I hope to continue breeding Marwari horses. I aim to grow my "Priceless" collection which is a mash of all specials whom I love! Currently, it contains some golden apples and a double-sided medallion angle/demon. I am always looking to grow these collections as well as add some vintage apples, retired coats and hopefully even divines!
4.15.18 First divine on this account! Devoted Indigo from a Titan's Challenge
Current Projects
I am always collecting golden apples/retired coats. I highly value the art that comes from the community. I am currently looking to collect drum horse golden (and retired) apples. Check out my "Drums" breeding farm if you want to see the coats I already have. Unless retired, I am not usually interested in coats on horses I have not personally bred. That being said, if you are selling a horse with a unique coat, pm me! I will be happy to check them out and see if I am interested.
My current projects include blupping drum horses as well as my "Metal Hearted" affix which are horses that I have bred to be blupped, bred, and sold! My "Iron Blooded" affix is for my priceless horses. Before the disband of the team, I was an active member in the Heartland Hoofbeats 17 team for Drum Horses.
One of my crazy projects is a goal to have every Marwari coat variation in their respective vintage apple coats. I plan on only adding apples to purebred Marwaris, I have bred, with that specific coat meaning that I will not put a cremello Marwiari vintage apple coat on a bay Marwari. I will only be able to have a cremello vintage apple coat if I am able to breed a cremello Marwari myself! Ultimately, I am going to need 25 vintage apples! Don't know how I am going to do it but I will! Once I complete this, I could see myself continuing this with other breeds.
I do my best to return congratulations. If I miss yours, you are welcome to shoot me a pm and I will be sure to visit your page!
I am always in need of aging points and I'm often on here just strolling, hoping for UFOs so gifts are always greatly appreciated. I enjoy spontaneously shooting aging points to and working with the wonderful friends that I have made on this account and I would love to chat, so if you are interested, please feel free to message me!
Happy Howrsing