My main goal is to focus on the Tennessee Walking Horse breed. My family owns multiple Walkers off game and I just love them. Currently I have two breeding farms, one for normal horses, and the other for unicorns.
Yuri's Skating Walkers - This farm is dedicated to my normal Walkers. The farm and the horses are named after the anime Yuri on Ice, and the characters from the show. My horses have the genetic potential displayed at the end of their names and I am looking for other player owned Walker studs to contribute their blood to my herd. I am not opposed to working out breeding contracts/deals, so shoot me a PM if you have a stud or wish to use one of my boys.
Mokarov's Fairy Walkers - This farm is dedicated to my unicorn Walkers. The policy for this farm is the same as the previous, with the farm and horses being named after another anime. This time, the anime chosen was Fairy Tail. Genetic potential is also displayed at the end of their names for easy viewing. Heartfilia was my first unicorn mare and I have high hopes for this farm because her first cover yeilded a unicorn filly. I am also looking for higher GP studs to add to my herd's bloodline and am not opposed to working out deals for these breedings as well, so shoot me a PM.