Hello there!
So this account is the second one I have had. My original account was AppyLover587, but after some time of inactivity, it was deleted. As I missed the game, I decided to make a new account and start back up.
In real life I own two horses and work with another horse. My two horses are Cayman and Rhodie. Rhodie is a 10 year old, 16 hand chestnut overo paint, and Cayman is a 3 year old, 14 hand (and still growing) mustang that I started training last year for a competition. The horse that I work with is Harley. He is a 17 year old, 15 hand whippet morgan (old-fashioned morgan). I use Harley for eventing, and haven't begun to ride Cayman yet. Rhodie is on care lease.
I am mainly breeding Thoroughbreds right now. They are under the Ferocious Runners tab. Check them out if you are interested. I am also breeding Standardbreds (under the Trotters tab) and would like to breed Mustangs (I only have one right now, but would like to expand). If you would like to buy any of my horses, check out my For Sale tab. I am also willing to take offers an any horse, but understand there are some horses that I won't sell.