so, well...

this page was a mess

i hated it

and so i waved my magic wand, and...


it disappeared

(whoa that was like some poetry there)


you know when you stop playing howrse for a while and then come back and read your profile page and cringe? cuz that's pretty much the story of my life

anyway, i'm willow and i play this game on and off but I like to breed and BLUP and i'm pretty good at it too. right now (or maybe not cuz i never update this) i am breeding high gp selle francais horses just for fun but i do have a team affix that i put them under (dazzle). 

feel free to send me random friends requests, ask if my horse is for sale (it usually is if you offer me), reserve horses for 3000/e (i'll probably buy them, but sometimes i forget so pm me), and so on and so forth. i'm generally a nice person and don't really care what you do or say to me, so fire away

pm me, i like mail. don't you love it when there's that little red circle on your mailbox? that's pretty much my favorite thing ever. i don't bite...

too hard

if you have time, take a quick peek at my selle francaises (is that how you say it?) and pm me if you want one. i'll probably selle it to you (see what I did there?)