Hi guys! I've been playing Howrse for about 10yrs on and off. My old account (Soulrider) got deleted because it had been inactive for too long so I chose to open a new one in March 2016.
I'm an adult player and don't really have time to be on every day, although I do try to log in at least every 2 days. I congratulate those who congratulate me as well as gladly accept random friend requests so click away!

I'm not riding much at the moment since spare time is a fleeting luxury these days however, I used to ride both English and Western, depending on my horse. Back then, I had three loves: my mare was a 6yr old 16.3hh standardbred mare named Whiskey Lullaby (Lola) who was a rescue sulky horse turned western trail horse due to bad hips, my gelding was a big 8yr old, 16hh couch of a Canadian named Hooves Ablaze (Blaze) who was an amazing jumper and my last one was a big old 17hh pitch black old man of a Clydesdale named Clyde who was a retired 24yr old team pulling horse. He just hung out in the fields and was mainly used for cuddles and the odd trail ride.
These days I mainly ride English.