I'm a 20's something player and I have loved horses my whole life so when I found this game I totally fell in love!!
I love to help new players and will try and give my friends really great deals on my AP farm foals! If you see anything you like in my "Sell" breeding farm or are interested in donkeys, drafts, and unicorns just PM and I'll let you know what's available.
Click Here to see my current horses for sale.
Main Goals
- Collect every color coat in every breed from my own breeding farms
- My High GP Barb and Brumby breeding farms
- Playing all the new games to win prizes and divine horses
I'm looking to make friends with other people so go ahead and send me a request!
I login almost every single morning and night. And love to play all the games! I would like to have a friends group that also enjoys the games, and I can help you out with games too!
1) Grow Longhorn Cows on as many 25-acre fields as you can and then sell the leather.
Bonus Tip: make sure your field has a feed trough before you grow cattle on it, it's totally worth the extra cost!
You'll gross approx. 178,750 Equus every 30-days on just one 25-acre field with a feed trough. VS 137,500 Equus without a feed trough. You will earn your Equus back after just one harvest.
2) Always use 2**Fertilizer or Manure on your crops.
Not only does this cut days off the time you have to wait to plant something else, but it also increases the net per day Equus if you're just going to sell the crop you're growing.
Crop Grow Days to Harvest Net Per Day Net Per Day
Season W/O Manure vs W/ W/O Manure W/ Manure
Oats Spring 11 vs 8 3,114 3,981
Alfalfa Summer 7 vs 4 2,600 3,950
Wheat/Straw Summer 9 vs 6 2,826 3,839
Flax Spring 8 vs 5 2,694 3,830
Carrots Spring 9 vs 6 2,678 3,617
3) Use Large Workshops to produce these items to sell for profit
***Listed from highest to lowest Net Profit Per Hour***
(if you GROW the items needed to make them, like leather, flax, straw, etc.)
Item Total Net Production Net Profit
Profit Hours Per Hour
Manure 29,862 36 830
1* Polo Wraps 3,923 5 785
1* Ear Bonnet 3,923 5 785
1* Classical Saddle 8,939 12 745
1* Western Saddle 8,909 12 742
1* Western Bridle 3,598 5 720
1* Western Saddle Cloth 6,571 10 657
1* fertilizer 3,900 6 650
2** Classical Bridle 6,446 10 645
3*** Classical Bridle 24,402 40 610
Mash 7,005 12 584
1* Classical Saddle Cloth 5,701 10 570
1* Classical Bridle 2,683 5 537
3*** Western Bridle 19,227 40 481
3*** Classical Saddle 42,625 96 444
3*** Western Saddle 41,125 96 428
2** fertilizer 5,100 12 425
Bell boots 10,013 24 417
Lunge 49,390 120 412
Whip 19,477 48 406
2** Western Saddle 9,179 24 382
2** Classical Saddle 8,654 24 361
2** Western Bridle 3,551 10 355
Feed trough 14,952 72 208
Shower 24,915 120 208
Tractor 24,854 120 207
(if you BUY the items needed to make them, like leather, flax, straw, etc.)
Item Total Net Production Net Profit
Profit Hours Per Hour
1* fertilizer 3,900 6 650
Manure 18,000 36 500
1* Polo Wraps 2,430 5 486
1* Ear Bonnet 2,430 5 486
2** fertilizer 5,100 12 425
1* Western Saddle Cloth 3,585 10 359
1* Classical Saddle Cloth 2,715 10 272
Feed trough 14,952 72 208
Shower 24,915 120 208
Tractor 24,854 120 207
1* Western Bridle 945 5 189
1* Classical Saddle 2,160 12 180
1* Western Saddle 2,130 12 178
Box 2** 8,510 48 177
Water trough 11,679 72 162
Box 1* 486 3 162
Little greenhouse 686 5 137
Small workshop 2,979 24 124
2** Classical Bridle 1,140 10 114
Lunge 12,546 120 105
Large greenhouse 15,959 156 102
4) Always have one horse named "Junior Croesus" in your breeding farm.
Every month Howrse picks one very lucky players horse named "Junior Croesus" and turns them into Croesus, a divine horse that gives you 100 passes every 13th if you logged in the day before.
Only one "Junior Croesus" is taken into account per player so having 200 horses named "Junior Croesus" isn't going to increase your chances.
5) Divine horses daily to do list
6) Get Yggdrasil
He'll join your breeding farm once you've sent a horse aged 25 or more to heaven.
Yggdrasil is a special horse that ages every time you send a horse aged 25 or more to heaven. I recommend waiting till age 32 before you send them to heaven because you'll age Yggdrasil the most years per horse.
You get special prizes once he reaches age milestones.
Sometimes they do special promotions like (any age horse adds 5 years to Yggdrasil) so keep an eye out for those special promos.
Quickly send a horse to heaven by playing, ridding or training so their energy is less than 5%. Do not feed, water, groom or stroke your horse just put them to bed and age them or wait till the next day. You may have to repeat a few times before they go to heaven.
Wow you really have some patience if you read all that!! If you PM me "Special Coat for me plz" I will randomly pick one of my high value rare coats and reserve it for you in the sales.
Thanks for reading, I hope you found some useful info!