Argentinean Criollo
Arabian Winged Unicorn
500e per covering
If you are interested in any of the following stallions Then pm me and i will reserve
All the disclosed stallions are pure bred, ~Magician~ and ~Siren~ are the best currently in public Coverings for their breed for the disclosed price, In terms of genetic potential. Thanks For reading if you got this far
Hi I Played this game before but due to other things i quit but now I've decided to come back

. Im Irish and over 18 and female. I've 3 horses of my own, My mares Polly and Dolly and my filly Blue Moon whom i bred myself.

If you congratulate me I will return the favor.
I also will accept any friend requests, don't worry i don't bite (much) ps. that was a joke by the way
Ok Serious buisness 
If you have a horse you wanna sell pm me with your offer and if im interested I shall buy it. HOWEVER it must be purebred (im not fussy on the breed) and please have a little respect and do not give me a price you wouldn't pay yourself for the same horse.
If you're interested in one of my horses let me know and If im interested in selling I will do so. Again reasonable offers please.
Ok that's enough serious business for now
. There's only so much I can handle 
As you've probably guessed by now I have a major sense of humor and tend to be quite sarcastic, Im also extremely out going and bubbly and stubborn but as any of my friends will tell you I can get quite grumpy.
Im major into reading (any sort of book ) but I prefer fantasy,thriller and science fiction.
I study Zoology because of my love of animals etc.
Have a nice day Thanks