

My Story

I began playing Howrse when I was about ten or eleven, my first account being shehehe. My friend and I worked together, and got pretty far, but growing up and dealing with school made it difficult to continue our progress. I gave up once I reach junior high, coming back on every now and then to see how things were going. My account got deleted at some point along the line, so I stopped coming on all together. A few months ago, though, I decided to give it another go, and created RajaDoubleDash, named for my horse Windy Double Dash AKA Raja. This time around, I hope to be able to amass an empire of sorts, starting with the breeds of my real life horses- quarter horses and paints- and moving down the list, starting operations that produce champions.

The Double Dash Operation

Windy Generation                                                                                                                                              The quarter horse is one of the most commonly recognized breeds in the world, and known for its versatility and speed. These all-around athletes can excel at anything from racing, to cow working, to pleasure riding with ease and style. You may find yourself looking at two horses of the same breed that look and act nothing alike, due to careful and selective breeding for traits such as height and temperament, and it is this variety that draws riders of any discipline or type to this breed. It is my goal to introduce some of the finest quarter horses into the horse community, both in real life and on Howrse, and remind the world of why we love this breed so much.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Belle Color                                                                                                                                                     Breed number two of the Double Dash Operation is the paint horse. Revered for their stunning appearances and equal talent, those who know nothing about horses can easily pick this breed out from a herd. Much like quarter horses, their diverse band of devotees has created a patchwork quilt of different bloodlines and disciplines that they are used for, however they more frequently cross over the English-Western boundary than the primarily Western quarter horses do. Due to their gates being more lifted and flouncy, some paint horse lines are sought after by dressage and English pleasure riders. I hope to encourage this combination of class and grit to form two very different lines of paints: the English and the Western.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Elite Principals                                                                                                                                             The unicorn is a unique facet to the Howrse breeding realm that provides the more determined players a challenge. Not all coverings will result in a unicorn, and they can only be bred at specified times of the day as selected by the player. These obstacles are what make producing unicorns, not to mention those with high GP depending on the breed, such a lucrative career on Howrse, although the demand a slowly declined over the years. As of now, Elite Principals is restricted to unicorns of the quarter horse breed until I can afford to expand to paints.                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Coming up next...                                                                                                                                        Running Circle S will be a Thoroughbred breeding farm. I intend to incorporate the racing and jumping aspectsof the breed.
Pictures and other content still to come... Message me! I want to hear what you think.
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