Latest obsession: Hamilton. I fricken miss the theatre so much, that I've watched the show on Disney+ 6 times over already, and on my walks to and from work I've been listening to the soundtrack on repeat - for weeks. ce52790629679d930ca16c39a4f619c3.png

OMG I JUST GOT A DIVINE HORSE THROUGH A HORN OF PLENTY!!! I've literally never won anything cool from those things, so I'm stoked. xD

So... I broke my, "I-haven't-spent-any-real-money-on-this-game-and-I-never-will" thing... I really wanted that Sable Island pony. ce52790629679d930ca16c39a4f619c3.png I had one on my old account, and the nostalgia got to me before my common sense kicked in.

Looking for a horse from each of the following breeds. If you have one for <3,000e pm me!

Australian Pony, Brumby, Camargue, Canadian Horse, Curly, French Trotter, Hackney, Haflinger, Highland Pony, Holsteiner, Icelandic Horse, Irish Hunter, KWPN, Knabstrupper, Lusitano, Morgan, Newfoundland Pony, Nokota, Paint Horse, Peruvian Paso, Purebred Spanish Horse, Quarter Pony, Russian Don Horse, Selle Français, Shagya Arabian, Standardbred, Tennessee Walker, Trakehner

Welp, that was short lived. Circle Mirror got cancelled this week due to the pandemic. Guess I'll just get caught up on Critical Role and spend way too much time on here.

With Rapunzel wrapped, rehearsals for my next show are underway! This one's called Circle Mirror Transformation, a play about five people taking part in an acting class. I play a 16-year-old with an attitude who wants to be an actress, but hates the acting "exercises" she's being made to do. (Which is kind of difficult to play, because I LOVE those types of theatre/improv games!) It's been a few years since I was a teenager full of attitude, so if anyone reading this has an advice of how to behave like that again, shoot me a message please! ce52790629679d930ca16c39a4f619c3.png

I'm in a play again! Super stoked - I haven't done theatre in three years, and I love it so much. It's called Rapunzel: The Pantomime, and I play Gracie, a "social secretary" in charge of "organizing the guest list" ce52790629679d930ca16c39a4f619c3.png who falls in love with Frankie, Prince Fredrick's valet. I get to sing a parody of Hey Mickey (Hey Frankie) in the second act, and every night the audience LOVES it! e7e0b504610fac2eb3eaba34d6edee5b.png

Possibly rebooting my account again for the... fourth time? xD I've been playing this game with a bit of an on-again, off-again attitude for almost 10 years now... aaaand now I feel old. 3d92545d1f254a341e34350cbfbf4a7f.png
Friend me, message me, bug me, I'm a cool person! 8bfaf7be049bd4fa5e254020733fe354.png Love chatting about pretty much anything, but here's a list of favourite topics, because why not??

- horses (duh)
- Heartland (the TV show)
- Once Upon A Time (see above)
- Shadowhunters (and again)
- Home Free (the music group - I think two-years-ago Abby created an affix about them)
- hamsters (and other small pets)
- dog/cat nutrition (I'm the manager of a relatively small pet food store)
- ukulele/guitar (taught myself to play, though I do enjoy uke more)
- cooking (jk I hate it, send me your one-pot-wonder recipes!)
- archery (used to be good at it; haven't done it in a while)
- acting (this really should be at the top of the list since it's the career I'm gearing towards, but whatever.)

Ta-ta for now I guess!