Despite what my seniority says, I've been on howrse for years!!
I took a break for a while there but am going to get back on the breeding bus! I will be trying to log in every day twice a day again and getting back into everything!
All my horses are technically for sale, for the right price. please do not offer less than the base price, if you do I will not reply.
that being said, I do ask for at least what I put into them.
this does not include the cost of daily care and expenses, and star effort I've put into them. all the horses I have, (excluding the ones in purchases) are bred from my own horses, and I've spend a lot on them, so please keep in mind when making an offer.
$3,000 for a Heartstring horse
$5,000 for a Bronze horse
$7,000 for a Silver Horse
10,000 for a Gold horse
-golden apple or special coat horses start at $100,000
-horses with companions start at $200,000 (I bought them with passes)
1)Purebred Draft unbred Females,
2)Purebred Donkey unbred females,
3)Purebred Female Horse breeds that I currently do not have.
4)unicorn Females
if you have any of the above PM me!
About my Equestrian Center:
my EC has it's own list of goals you can find on its page. I will never raise my price and if you request a reservation I will very happily oblige.
I am currently sitting at 209 horses and rising
A little about me:
I am 26 years old, (please don't pm me if you are under 18)

I am currently Engaged!!!
I am a very active Pagan, specifically Wiccan

(if you are too I'd love to chat with you and share views! and if you have questions about Wiccans I'd also be willing to talk with you or chat!!!!)
I am a fantasy writer.

(I love talking with other writers about techniques and methods for plotting and swapping idea keys)
(if you've got a good one you think I should try out shoot me a message!!)
I am a huge Gamergirl. H-U-G-E!!!

Pm me some epic games to try out!
Favorite game currently: Horizon Zero Dawn
some games I own: Dragon age Inquisition, Subnautica 1&2, Doom 3, WOW, Stardew Valley, Slime Rancher, Crash Bandicoot, Evil Within 1&2, Spore, Sims 4.
(Also very proud supporter of the Solas Broke My Heart Club. OF COURSE I HAVE QUESTIONS SOLAS!!!!)
I'm also an Aries.

I love the star signs

I Studied Greek culture for 5 years, including Greek Gods and Goddesses
I am currently Studying Japanese Culture and traditions
I am Bi and a huge supporter of LGBTQ+ individuals, you deserve to love and be loved

(if you identify anything under our beautiful rainbow and need a friend or someone to talk to please don't hesitate to talk to me I promise to always message back.)