Hi, I'm Chrome1998.

I'm a 19 year old girl living in California. I love school, reading, sleeping, drawing, and most any other creative thing. I also love anime like Hetalia, Black butler, Junjou Romantica, Loveless, Death Note, InuYasha, Avatar: The Last Airbender, and others. I am not very religious, and dont believe in God, nor am I an Atheist. If you must know, message me. :)_v1828806360.png

I love most every genre of music, expect rap really. I don't find it appealing. My favorite songs range from Fallen Angels by Black Veil Brides to World Dance by Yanni. I love foreign music like Die Atzen(German), Rammstein(German) and Don Omar(Spanish/Portuguese) and Lube(Russian).

My favorite movies are the Fast & Furious series( RIP Paul :'(_v1828806360.png), Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Avengers, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Iron Man, Only Lovers Left Alive, almost all Disney movies, etc.

(l)_v1828806360.pngTom Hiddleston Forever (l)_v1828806360.pnggiphy.gifgiphy.gif


And  my favorite TV series are Supernatural:p_v1828806360.png, Criminal Minds, Reign, etc.

Join the #AlwaysKeepFighting campaign guys! Check it out! Buy one of Jared's #AKF shirts to help bring awareness to people with depression, addiction, mental illnesses and such. Just look him up on Facebook. Jared Padaleckitumblr_inline_nkq0yfJDJV1rnvhlp.jpg.

^ Now over. You cant buy anymore of these specific shirts, sorry.

My all time favorite game to play is Twilight Princess.

My favorite breed of horse is the Akhal-Teke.

I mostly breed KWPN's and Russian Don's, but I am open to any breed. :)_v1828806360.png

I am not selling any of my unwanted foals because I am going to make them pass horses. (y)_v1828806360.png

I will only sell horses of mine that are for sale. If it isn't for sale, I won't sell it!

I will accept every friend request! ^)_v1828806360.png

(l)_v1828806360.png RIP ALAN RICKMAN :'(_v1828806360.png



Hetalia is LIFE!


That is all...
